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Jan C. Still

Rare and Extensive


Jan C. Still, author of  many sought after books about gun collecting, historian and  expert on WW1 and 2 pistols, had a personal collection that is being offered for sale here, by his family.  His collection is full of  rare variations and most have been used in the photograghs in his books.  He authored, Axis Pistols, Central Powers Pistols, Third Reich Lugers, Imperial Lugers, and Wiemar and Early Nazi Lugers, as well as some smaller books and collecting guides.  We will be offering these for sale as well on this website until we run out.

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: These are Jan's and the family's personal items.  We are not dealers.  We wish to offer these items to the collecting community directly first.  While we will do the best we can, your patience is appreciated, and we may not always be able to answer your questions or provide further photos.  Our intention is to honor my father and his memory by making his collection available to this community.  Please be respectful and feel free to browse this rare and extensive collection.  These were my father's prized items, that he researched extensively and brought to life in the historical accounts in his books.  Prices have been well researched.  We are open to offers on some items, but not all.  Those items will say or best offer on the price line, and a minimum offer that will be considered will be stated. PLEASE USE CONTACT PAGE TO CONTACT SELLER TO REQUEST PURCHASE OF AN ITEM OR TO MAKE AN OFFER.


The Personal Collection of


Jan Charles Still


Jan's family is offering his collection directly to the collecting community here.  Jan's passion for collecting, research and writing were globally known, and his family wishes to offer the collecting community an opportunity to own these rare and special historical pieces.  We hope that collectors can enjoy them as much as he has and in turn, pass them forward to the next generation of collectors to keep alive the memories of what our Fathers, Mothers, Grand Fathers/Mothers and Great Grand Fathers/Mothers did for our generation, country and way of life for freedom and democracy.  These items were brought back to show their loved ones and friends just  what they had accomplished and so we never forget the sacrifices these men and women made fighting evil and protecting the world from tyranny.  

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Jan and Frances Still

Two wonderful parents and partners.  Jan researched and Frances edited each book. 


Jan Charles Still was born April 1, 1941.  He passed away on October 24, 2022 in Juneau Alaska. Jan earned a Bachelor's in mining from University of Washington, where he met Frances through the climbing club.  They eloped and were married in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.  They lived in Wyomming and Colorado where Jan worked as a mining engineer. They climbed peaks together in the wind river and teton range, and had their first daughter before moving to Alaska. Here they had two more children and settled down to raise their family in Juneau.  Jan was world famous for his knowledge of WW1 and WW2 guns and authored a series of historical books on them.

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